





TikTok Feed

TikTok is a social networking application that is specially designed for sharing creative videos easily and directly from your smartphone. Like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram,  TikTok provide a user profile and a news feed feature on their apps.

Now with JNews, you can even show your latest TikTok feed on Post, Page, Widget, and Header in your website. In this part, we will guide you how to show your Instagram feed on the website’s with JNews TikTok Feed.


JNews TikTok Plugin

To enable TikTok Feed on your website, you just need to install JNews – TikTok Feed plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to JNews Dashboard → Plugin


TikTok Feed Setting

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can setup the plugin settings to fit with your website need. On this part we will guide you how to setup TikTok feed with JNews.

For Footer Tiktok Feed, you can access it by going to JNews DashboardCustomize StyleJNews : Social, Like & ViewTikTok Feed Setting. Meanwhile for TikTok widgets, you can add it to the WordPress widget area. You can also add TikTok widget using elements in WPBakery and Elementor.

  1. Enable TikTok Feed
    For the Footer Feed, you can show or hide it using this option.
  2. Feed Type
    Choose feed type that you want to show. You can show the feed using username or hastag.
  3. TikTok Username
    Tiktok username whose feed you want to display.
  4. TikTok Hastag
    Tiktok hastag whose feed you want to display.
  5. Number Of Rows
    Setup the number of feed rows that you want to show for Tiktok feed.
  6. Number Of Columns
    Setup the number of feed columns that you want to show for TikTok feed.
  7. Sort Feed Type
    On this option you can choose sorting type of your TikTok feed.
  8. Hover Style
    On this option you can choose hover style of footer TikTok feed.
  9. View Button Text
    On this option you can insert text for TikTok view feed button. Leave blank if you don’t want to show it.
  10. Layout Type
    On this option you can choose layout style of footer TikTok feed.
  11. Cover Type
    On this option you can choose cover style of footer TikTok feed.
  12. Open New Tab
    Enable this option if you want to open link in new tab when TikTok view button or TikTok feed hitted.

Footer TikTok Feed will only compatible with Footer Style 5 and Footer Style 6. For more complete information about Footer Type please follow this url.