





Food Recepie

You may have a Master Chef skill and can create various delicious dishes that only your family can enjoy them. Why don’t just show your skills around the web and get fame by your hobby? All you need is a food blogging site. However having the cooking skill is not all you’ll need. Your viewers don’t always want to only see your well-done cookings, but they also want to know how you made it, and more importantly, how they can make it too.

In this case, creating a food recipe is the best way you can serve those dishes up to your audiences. With JNews, feel no worry, because we have provided powerful feature to insert food recipe into your post.

In this part, we will guide you how to use food recipe feature with JNews that only take a few minute.


JNews Food Recipe Plugin

To enable food recipe feature on your website, you just need to install JNews – Food Recipe plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to JNews Dashboard → Plugin


Insert Food Recipe

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, you can insert food recipe into your post. You can follow the instructions below:

  1. First, edit certain post on your website that you want to insert the food recipe in.
  2. If you have selected a post, then at the bottom section you will notice the Food Recipe Setting metabox. You can find the Food Recipe Setting option in the JNews Metabox area. If you are using the Classic Editor to edit your post you can check this documentation.

    As you can see on the image above, you will notice there are several options for Food Recipe Setting tab.

    • Enable Food Recipe
      Turn on this option if you want to enable food recipe for the post.
    • Food Recipe Title
      Insert the title of food recipe.
    • Serving Size
      Insert serving size of food recipe. (ex: 10 people)
    • Cooking Time
      Insert cooking time of food recipe. (ex: 2 hours)
    • Cooking Level
      Determine cooking level of food recipe. (ex: beginner)
    • Enable Print Recipe
      Turn on this option if you want to enable the feature to print out the food recipe.
  3. After have done with Food Recipe Setting setup, next you can click Food Recipe Ingredients tab. On this part you can insert ingredients of the food recipe.
    You can simply add ingredient item and remove certain item (ex: 3/4 cup sugar). You can also rearrange the ingredient item sequence as you like by dragging and dropping the item.

  4. After have done with Food Recipe Ingredients setup, next you can click Food Recipe Instructions tab. In this part you can insert all of instructions for the food recipe.


Food Recipe Preview

The following attached images are the food recipe preview and the print food recipe preview.