





Pay Writer

With JNews, you can create your own writing platform that pays writers. We built a writing platform system and integrated it with a payment system in JNews which will handle your writer payment on your website easily.

Table of Contents

    1. Installation
    2. Author Payout Setting
    3. General Setting
    4. Pay Writer Options
  1. Earning Statistic
  2. Pay Writer Elements



To activate the pay writer system on your website, you need to install the JNews – Pay Writer plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from the Plugin Dashboard by going to JNews Dashboard Plugins . In addition, JNews – Pay Writer has a feature that requires JNews – View Counter which will require JNews – View Counter to be enabled.


Author Payout Setting

Authors can enter their PayPal account so that they can receive payment for their earnings as an author as well as for receiving donations.


General Setting

Right after you are done with the required plugins activation, you need to configure your website according to your requirements. You can access general setting by simply hit the Option or go to JNews DashboardCustomize StyleJNews : Pay Writer Options

On JNews : Pay Writer Options, there are several sections that you will find :

  1. Donation Settings
  2. Payment Settings


1. Donation Settings

In this section, you can set donation options.

  1. Donation on All Posts
    Enable donation on all posts.
  2. Donation Currency
    Configure allowed Currency for the donation.
  3. Donation Element Text
    Configure text displayed in the donation element.
  4. Donation Element Type
    Configure donation element type.
  5. Override Donation Icon Color
    Overrides the post donation meta icon color. Please note, this option will appear and work if you choose Button on the Donation Element Type option.
  6. Donation Icon Color
    Configure color for donation icon color. Please note, this option will appear and work if you enable the Override Donation Icon Color option.
  7. Donation Widget Title
    Configure the title displayed in the donation widget. Please note, this option will appear and work if you choose Widget on the Donation Element Type option.
  8. Donation Widget Description
    Configure displays description text at the donation widget. Please note, this option will appear and work if you choose Widget on the Donation Element Type option.
  9. Checkout Description
    Configure displays description text at the donation checkout page.
  10. Fixed Donation
    Enabling this option will strict donors to donate the predetermined amount.
  11. Fixed Donation amount
    Determine donation amount. Please note, this option will appear and work if you enable the Fixed Donation option.


2. Payment Settings

In this section, there are several sections that you will find :

  1. Paypal Settings
    1. Sandbox Mode
      Check this option if you are using Sandbox PayPal APP credentials
    2. PayPal APP Client ID
      Your PayPal app Client ID. You need to create a Paypal app & credentials here.
    3. PayPal APP Client Secret
      Your PayPal app Client Secret.
    4. Receiver Email
      Your PayPal email address. Email Address matches the email address passed back by IPN. Use your primary email address for your PayPal account. They need to match.
    5. Forward IPN Response
      Enable it if there are other plugins that need an IPN response from PayPal.
    6. Forward IPN URLs
      Please provide the valid IPN request URL.
    7. Payout Subject
      Subject for the payout message.
    8. Payout Message
      Message for the content of the payout message.
  2. General Settings
    1. Payout Currency
      Choose the currency of the payout.
    2. Payout Parameter
      Select payout parameter to be calculated in payout
    3. Payout Limit
      Set the maximum payout amount for the receiver (0 means unlimited).
  3. Standard Payout Option
    1. Minimum Post Payout
      Adjust the minimum payout amount for each post. Each post will cost at least the value configured.
  4. View Count Payout Option
    1. View Payout
      Adjust the payout amount for each view.
    2. Minimum View Count
      Set the minimum views needed to be eligible for view payout.
  5. Word Payout Option
    1. Word Payout Rate
      Set the word rate. The rate would be applied if the minimum word requirement is achieved.
    2. Minimum Word Count
      Set the minimum word count that needs to be achieved before the rate can be applied.

Pay Writer Option

We provide a Post Donation Option that you can find on each post. With this feature, the Author will be able to enable or disable Post Donation. You can find the Post Donation option in the JNews Metabox area. If you are using the Classic Editor to edit your post you can check this documentation.



Enable Donation option will only be visible if the Donation on All Post at Customizer is enabled.

Earning Statistic

JNews – Pay Writer has the earning statistic page for web administrators and authors. The administrator can check the payout information and pay directly from the earning statistic dashboard, and each author can see their earning statistic dashboard via the account page.

For Administrator, earning statistic dashboard has more features like pay the writer and check the payment history

Admin can make payments using two methods: Pay and Mark As Paid.

  • Pay

Payments will be automatically processed to the designated account using the JNews Pay Writer payment system. Payments will be sent from the account configured in the menu Customize > JNews: Pay Writer Option > Payment Setting > PayPal Settings.

  • Mark As Paid

Admin pays the author manually without using the JNews Pay Writer payment system. Payments made through this method will be automatically marked as paid.



For authors, earning statistic dashboard can only see their statistic data and earnings for each post.

Pay Writer Elements

Pay Writer comes with various elements that are compatible with WordPress Shortcode, WP Bakery, and Elementor.

WordPress Shortcode


WP Bakery


There are some options that you can set to further adjust your donation element to your needs.