





JNews Video

With JNews, you can create very interesting video websites. From analyzing some of the best features of famous video websites, we created a video system and integrated it into JNews. With the latest design trends, our video layout design will make your website look better than before.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. General Setting
  3. Video Option
  4. Playlist
  5. Frontend



To activate video mode on your website, you need to install the plugin JNews – Video , BuddyPress , BuddyPress Followers . You can easily install and activate this plugin from the Plugin Dashboard by going to JNews Dashboard Plugin


General Setting

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can setup general review settings to fit with your website’s need. You can access general review setting by simply hit the Option or go to JNews Dashboard → Customize Style → JNews : Video Setting

On JNews : Video Setting, there are several section option that you will find :

  1. BuddyPress Setting
  2. Single Post Video Setting
  3. Single Playlist Setting


1. BuddyPress Setting

In this section, you can set general options for BuddyPress.

  1. BuddyPress User & Group Page Template
    Choose your BuddyPress user and group page template.
  2. BuddyPress Page Layout
    Choose your BuddyPress page layout.
  3. BuddyPress Sidebar
    Choose sidebar that you want to use on BuddyPress Page. Please note, this option will appear and work if you choose Right Sidebar or Left Sidebar on BuddyPress Page Layout option.
  4. BuddyPress Members Navigation
    Select and sort the BuddyPress menu for members navigation.


2. Single Post Video Setting

In this section, you can set general options for Single Post Video Setting.

Main Section

  1. Override Single Video Post Setting
    Turn on this option to override template setting for video post format only.


Single Video Post Template
Please note, this section will appear if Override Single Video Post Setting option enabled.

  1. Single Video Post Layout
    Choose your single video post layout.
  2. Single Video Post Sidebar
    Choose sidebar that you want to use on Single Video Post. Please note, this option will appear and work if you choose Right Sidebar or Left Sidebar on Single Video Post Layout option.
  3. Enable Content Truncate
    Turn this option on to enable content truncate.


Single Video Post Element
Please note, this section will appear if Override Single Video Post Setting option enabled.

  1. Show Featured Image/Video
    Show featured image or video on single video post.
  2. Show Video Post Meta Header
    Show video post meta on post header.
  3. Show View Counter
    Show or hide view counter. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option enabled.
  4. Show Video Post Date
    Show video post date on video post meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option enabled.
  5. Video Post Date Format
    Choose which date format you want to use for single video post meta. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option and Show Video Post Date option are enabled.
  6. Show Like Button
    Adjust the post like button on post meta header. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option and JNews – Like plugin are enabled.
  7. Show Zoom Button
    Show zoom button on the video post meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option enabled.
  8. Number of Zoom Out Step
    Set the number of zoom out step to limit when zoom out button clicked. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option and Show Zoom Button option are enabled.
  9. Number of Zoom In Step
    Set the number of zoom in step to limit when zoom in button clicked. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option and Show Zoom Button option are enabled.
  10. Show Comment Button
    Show comment button on video post meta header. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option enabled.
  11. Show Video Post Meta
    Show video post meta on post content.
  12. Show Video Post Author
    Show video post author on video post meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta option enabled.
  13. Show Video Post Author Image
    Show video post author image on video post meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta option and Show Video Post Author option are enabled.
  14. Show Subscribe Counter
    Show subscribe counter on video post meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta option and Video Mode enabled.
  15. Show Reading Time
    Show estimate reading time on video post meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta option enabled.
  16. Words Per Minute
    Set the average reading speed for the user. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta option and Show Reading Time option are enabled.
  17. Show Subscribe Button
    Show subscribe button on video post meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta option and Video Mode are enabled.
  18. Show Category
    Show video post category ( below the article ).
  19. Show Video Post Tag
    Show single video post tag (below the article).
  20. Show Prev / Next Post
    Show previous or next post navigation (below article).
  21. Show Popup Post
    Show bottom right popup post widget.
  22. Number of Popup Post
    Set the number of post to show when popup post appear. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Popup Post option enabled.
  23. Show Author Box
    Show author box (below the article).
  24. Show Reading Progress Bar
    Show reading progress bar on single video post.
  25. Progress Bar Position
    Choose the position of reading progress bar on single video post. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Reading Progress Bar option enabled.
  26. Progress Bar Color
    Set color for the progress bar. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Reading Progress Bar option enabled.


Single Thumbnail Setting
Please note, this section will appear if Override Single Video Post Setting option enabled.

  1. Post Thumbnail Size
    Choose your post’s single image thumbnail size. You can also override this behaviour on your single post editor.


3. Single Playlist Setting

In this part, you can setup a general option for Single playlist.

Single Playlist Template

  1. Single Playlist Template
    Choose your single playlist template.
  2. Single Playlist Layout
    Choose your single playlist layout. Please note, this option will appear and work if you choose Template 1 on Single Playlist Template option.


Single Playlist Element

  1. Show Featured Image
    Show featured image single playlist.
  2. Show Playlist Meta
    Show playlist meta on playlist aside.
  3. Show Playlist Author
    Show playlist author on playlist meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Playlist Meta option enabled.
  4. Show Playlist Author Image
    Show playlist author image on playlist meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Playlist Meta option and Show Playlist Author option enabled.
  5. Show Video Counter
    Show or hide video counter. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Playlist Meta option enabled.
  6. Show Playlist Meta Action
    Show playlist meta action on playlist aside.
  7. Show Subscribe Button
    Show subscribe button on option container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Playlist Meta Action option enabled.
  8. Show Follower Counter
    Show follower counter on subscribe button. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Playlist Meta Action option and Show Subscribe Button option are enabled.
  9. Show Share Button
    Show share button on option container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Playlist Meta Action option enabled.
  10. Show More Option
    Show more option on option container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Playlist Meta Action option enabled.


Video Option

We provide Video Option that you can find on each post. With this feature, you will be able to add Video Duration and Video Preview to the post. Video Option only appears for posts in Video post format. You can find the JNews: Video Option in the JNews Metabox area. If you are using the Classic Editor to edit your post you can check this documentation.


For video preview and duration will work with video module only.

Please check the following explanation about JNews : Video Option below :



Display video duration, for video post formats, on Video Module.

Supported sources

  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • Dailymotion

For YouTube videos, you have to provide YouTube API Key in the Customizer → JNews : Additional OptionGlobal API Key .

Manual Setup
If your video is not supported, you can set the length of the video manually. To do so, please do the following:

  • Go to the post edit view
  • Scroll down to the JNews: Video Option section
  • Fill the duration field


3 Second Video Preview

Display video preview, for video post formats, when hover on Video Module.

Supported sources

  • YouTube

Manual Setup
If your video is not supported, you can set the preview of the video manually. To do so, please do the following:

  • Go to the post edit view
  • Scroll down to the JNews: Video Option section
  • Choose WEBP file from your media library



Playlist are a way of grouping posts. You can insert articles to read later, check your history or create a personal set of the best results.


For Playlist, you have to install BuddyPress plugin in the JNews Dashboard → Install PluginVideo Mode .


Available Playlist

  • History
    Automatic. Posts are added while browsing
  • Watch Later
    Manual. Posts are added by a user
  • Favorite
    Manual. Posts are added by a user


Custom Playlist

Custom playlist are playlist created by users. Users have full control of them.

On Custom playlist, there are several Visibility option that user will find :

  1. Public
    It is open to all, but it can only be added, removed and edited by the owner
  2. Private
    Only the owner of the playlist has access


Create Playlist

A new playlist is created when user add the first item, so please see the Add Playlist Item section below for more information.


Single Playlist

To view the single playlist page, user can visit his profile page and use the Playlist tab.


Edit Playlist

To edit the playlist, open a single playlist page and click the Edit button. Only the owner of the playlist has access to it.

From here, user can click the Action Menu ( vertical ellipsis ) button and user will see a popup to edit the playlist. Here, user can edit :

  1. Name
  2. Description
  3. Visibility
  4. Featured Image


Add Playlist Item

To add a new item (post) to the playlist, please do the following:

  1. Hover the Add to Playlist link and click the selected playlist from:
    • Module View
      Under each post, user should find the post action menu (vertical ellipsis) button
    • Single View
      On the right side of the post meta, user will find the post action menu (vertical ellipsis) button
  2. If user are not logged in, user will see the login form
  3. If user are logged in, user will able to add item to their playlist or create New Playlist
  4. To add a post to an existing playlist, select from the list
  5. To add a post to a new playlist, click New Playlist link, fill in the name, choose visibility and click Save
  6. In the bottom left page corner, user will see the notification


Remove Playlist Item

To remove an item from the playlist, user can do it from:

  1. Hover the Add to Playlist link and click the checked playlist from:
    • Module View
      Under each post, user should find the post action menu (vertical ellipsis) button
    • Single Post View
      On the right side of the post meta, user will find the post action menu (vertical ellipsis) button
    • Single playlist View
      On the list item of the playlist, user will find the Remove button


Remove Playlist

To remove the playlist, open a single playlist page and click the Delete button. Only the owner of the playlist has access to it.


Frontend Video Upload

If you are using JNews Frontend Submit plugin. with JNews Video The forms give users the ability to make a new post as video post from the site frontend so that the user does not need to enter the backend admin panel to do the action.
please do the following:

  1. Please make sure you have been set YouTube API Key in Customizer → JNews : Additional OptionGlobal API Key to make sure the user can fetch the video data from the supported video in there
  2. Go to then find Upload Video button.
  3. After that, you will see this Upload Page. In this page, you can make a new post as video by clicking the Submit Video button after filling the form.
  4. After submitting a new post, the post will be reviewed by your website administrator.