First of all, we're very thankful for you for buying JMagz theme. We hope this documentation help you to understand how this theme work.
If you find this documentation not covering your issues, please don't hesitate to send your question to our support forum. We also open for suggestion to make this documentation better.
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- Turn on strict mode - Modify wp_enqueue_script for jQuery - Gutenberg optimized
- update WooCommerce compatiblity - User POT instead PO file for translation - update visual composer to version 5.0.1
- fix jplugin functionality not appear when first time installing the themes - update visual composer integration to ver 4.11.2 - update compatibility with woocommerce 2.5.5
- Fix mega menu that include draft post / review - Use newest google analytics code
- fix css typo for background - fix review error when saving review
- Upgrade visual composer to version 4.7.4
- fix not translated Word
- fix import widget issues - mega menu include draft content - fix wrong review point calculation - fix review option problem - Upgrade WooCommerce to version 2.4.4 - Upgrade Visual Composer to version 4.6.2
- fix post related issues - fix wrong review calculation mean - add option to rebuild review calculation - add compatibility with new Visual Composer - hide side news drawer on page
- fix code ads problem on visual composer (jplugin) - Fix PO & MO wording - allow mobile menu to have child
- fix related post wording that prevent YARPP plugin to work - add YARPP plugin into child themes so it can work also on child theme - Pull first image if none of attached image used - Update TGM Plugin class - Update WooCommerce compatibility to version 2.3.8 - Update JPlugin to version 1.0.4 to improve Jmagz Importer - Add Review on RSS Feed
- Translate some word that not yet translated - Fix ads background that close top heading background - Add additional ad type (shortcode) - Twitter share to use title as first word instead "Check this awesome article" - Update visual composer to version 4.4.3 - Update WooCommerce compatibility to version 2.3.7 - Fix HTML escape on WooCommerce - Fix Landing Slider bug on mobile - add VK share on single page - Fix ads size to use only horizontal ads on google ads - Fix mobile navigation that still using desktop logo - Fix PO location and name on jmagz-plugin, now can easily change using poedit or CodeStyling Localization
- fix side ads size - add option to have option on front page query - unique content group for landing page
- Fix compatibility with older php version 5.2
- Fix compatibility with version older php version (below 5.4)
- Initial Release
Created in Denpasar, Bali by Jegtheme. 2024