If you are have plan to use this theme with a big customization, we provide this theme with child theme that bundled on theme files to achieve your own need. Installing child theme is quite easy and basically is almost the same as installing Photology Themes. This part will guide you to how install child theme.
After downloading Photology package from Themeforest you need to extract those file, and then you will find zip file with name like photology-child.zip . This is child theme file of Photology Themes.
1. Go to Appearance → Themes on your WordPress Admin Dashboard.
2. Then click the Add New button at the top of the page and then choose Upload Theme option.
3. After that upload file photology-child.zip (look at the image above) and click Install Now
4. If the upload has finished click the Activate and now you’re ready to create some customization on Photology Themes with your own need.