





Tiktok Feed

Tiktok, also known as Douyin, is a social network and music video platform. Tiktok allows users to create their own short music videos. Tiktok Feed will get Tiktok content according to the username or hashtag that you filled in.

Tiktok Option

  • Settings
    1. Title
      Title on widget header.
    2. Type
      Select type of TikTok feed
    3. Tiktok Username
      Insert your Tiktok username (without @).
    4. Tiktok Hastag
      Insert hastag that you want to add (without #).
    5. Set Column
      Choose number of column widget.
    6. Set Row
      Choose number of row widget.
    7. Hover Style
      Choose hover effect style.
    8. Sort Type
      Choose sort type.
    9. View Button Text
      Leave it empty if you wont to show it.
    10. Layout Type
      Choose layout type.
    11. Cover Type
      Choose cover type.
    12. Open New Tab
      Open Tiktok profile on the new tab.