Built In Translation
JPhotolio Themes provide you built in easy translation. You can edit all language to fit your need, just by login to admin page and you can control every translation on your site.
Go to JPhotolio Setting » Translation
Multi language with WPML Plugin
JPhotolio Themes provide you support for multi language website. To integrate this themes with WPML is very easy. You just need to install WPML Plugin (sitepress-multilingual-cms) and you will see flag of your translated language on right bottom bar.
You will need to translate several word that attach with themes, you can find language attached with this themes on `JPhotolio Theme Folder → Lang` and use copy on of PO file to your language. than you will need to translate those language into your language. You can open those PO file using POEdit
For more information about WPML plugin, please refer to WPML documentation.