





Setup Featured Slider

This theme comes with 3 built-in featured sliders that you can choose to give attractive visual on your homepage. Those three slider options is: Full Slider, Highlight Slider and Stack Slider.

This slider options you can only find on Homepage template, so I assumed that you already create page with Homepage template and set it as your a static page.

STEP 1 – Go edit page with Homepage template, if you followed the previeous instructions the page should be named as “Home”.

STEP 2 – Make sure the option “Show Featured Slider” is checked.

STEP 3 – Then select the name of the slider you’d like to display under the corresponding Slider Type dropdown field. For example, if you opted to use a Full Slider, then select “Full Slider” from the Slider Type field.

STEP 4 – There are also various options you can set, such as the Slider Post Count of the slider, the Select Post Category and Select Post Tags is options to filter certain post showed on Slider.

STEP 5 – Once finished, click Update to save the settings.