





Jkit-Feature List

Feature List to display product features, information, and any details with a useful feature list block to highlight everything you need in a feature.

In this section, we will show you how to create an Feature List with JKit -Feature List. This guide is separated into sections below. Click on the top to navigate to the specified section.

    1. Activate JKit Social Share(#)
    2. Adding JKit Post Social Share Page (#)
    3. Content Setting (#)
    4. Style Setting (#)

Activate JKit Feature List

Before starting, make sure that JKit elements are enabled in Element Dashboard. Jeg Elementor Kit DashboardElements.

Adding JKit Feature List to Page

To add JKit Feature List to your page, you can open Elementor on your page, and search for “JKit – Feature List” in the sidebar.

Content Setting

You can edit several options in the content settings on the Social Share menu as needed.

    1. Feature List
      To display product features, information, and any details with a useful feature list block to highlight everything you need in a feature.
    2. Add Item
      To add another social media.
    3. Title HTML Tag
      That’s to replace the html tag of the title.
    4. Icon Shape
      To set the background shape of the icon.

      • Circle,
      • Square,
      • Rhombus.
    5. Shape View
      To set the appearance of the background shape of the icon.

      • Framed,
      • Stacked.
    6. Icon Position
      Set the position of the icon.

      • Left
        The position of the icon is on the left.
      • Top
        The position of the icon is above.
      • RIght
        The position of the icon is on the right.
    7. Show Connector
      Displays the connector on the icon.

Style Setting

The JKit Feature List style settings are divided into groups, so you can change them according to your needs. Click on it to navigate to the designated group.

    1. List(#)
    2. Icon (#)
    3. Content(#)
    4. CSS Box (#)


You can change several options on the List of the Feature List menu.

    1. Space Between
      To set the distance between listsconnector indicators.
    2. Connector Type
      To set the connector type.

      • Classic,
      • Modern.
    3. Connector Style
      To change the connector on icon.

      • Solid
        To turn the connector into a straight line.
      • Dashed
        To change the connector to a dotted line.
      • Dotted
        To turn the connector into a dotted dot.
    4. Connector Color
      To change the color of the connector line on the icon.
    5. Connector Width
      To set the thickness of the connector line.
    6. Connector Indicator Position
      Set the position indicator in the connector.


You can change several options on the Icon of the Feature List menu.

    1. Normal
      Resize image

      • Background Type
        To set the color or image used on background.
      • Color
        To change the color background box icon.
      • Border Type
        To specify the choice of border border of each content list background.

        • Default
        • None
        • Solid
        • Double
        • Dotted
        • Dashed
        • Groove
      • Size
        To set the background size of the icon.
      • Icon Size
        To change the icon size.
      • Padding
        Provides space between the background icon and the connector line.
      • Border Radius
        Creates an elliptical border or rounded corners on the icon background.
      • Spacing
        Change various settings from the gallery list
    2. Hover
      Change various settings from the gallery list

      • Background Type
        Change various settings from the gallery list
      • Color
        Change various settings from the gallery list
      • Border Type
        Change various settings from the gallery list

        • Default
        • None
        • Solid
        • Double
        • Dotted
        • Dashed
        • Groove
      • Size
        Change various settings from the gallery list
      • Icon Size
        Change various settings from the gallery list
      • Padding
        Change various settings from the gallery list
      • Border Radius
        Change various settings from the gallery list
      • Spacing
        Change various settings from the gallery list


You can add CSS code according to the class and id that was made before.